Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Sleepless Nights

Sleepless Nights

Oh.! My heart thou art great
Thy were poked, yet calm
I maketh thee lone, thou art courageous
Fought the hoi polloi to stay, yet never won
Thee taketh my pain fullest, yet be  peace
Thou art broken, yet maketh no utterance
Thou hast been crushed, bled, yet remain silent
Thou hast spent sleepless nights, thinking of the stubborn
Oh.! My bruised heart, none display ruth
Yet thou are lovable
Thou art heavy compiling emotions, 

 whence populace never giveth a hope
Oh.! My lone heart, everyone sees my jubilant countenance,

 none sees thee bleeding
Oh.! My heart I maketh thee another sleepless night, 

yet thou never stopped loving me, Thou art great.
