Saturday, 7 November 2015

The day it still haunts

 The day, it still haunts

Humans become submissive of a pleasant day
I slowly stepped out, hearing the birds chirp
My heart was pumping of day freshness
and suddenly struck my brain,of fear to write
My last night struggle shook hand some how
finished the writing part and my room was switched 
with lights and air filled from circumvolving machine
felt something is running in my stomach, realized then I'm hungry.
soon, dumped with pork, cooked my friend
sooner, sun felt shy, behind the clouds he hid
moon is peeping about to come, and stepped out
my tongue felt to taste bitter water and satisfied
my tongue; started my brain active
My friend and me started flying so fast in the air, there at a point something struck in the sky, began to fall we
horrible was the sight, mind of dilemma, 
pathos and cathos followed, shivering my friend terrible, 
sunk my heart at the sight, 
that day it still haunts and makes me feel wretched and transgressor.

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

My one, Look Unto Me

    My one, Look Unto Me

A day in life of turning point,
many has my life after meeting you;
memorable was the day, at the joint,
attired as an idiot, just to impress you;
cornered my eyes to see thy charming face,
at the sight clot my blood making me numb;
I was like, alienated to another life of phase,
other no words can hear I, except you, to other I'm dumb;
Oh! one my precious, grok me, 
Oh! please my darling, look unto me.

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

An Untold Love

                                                      An Untold Love
      A garden of flowers from vivid countries 
            here saw I, a lady of naive beauty
            my heart was bouncing as if no boundaries
            garden had my presence to swallow the beauty of my lady
            admire I, her gorgeousness sitting under the tree of shady
            was I in love? the thought tilted me
            shall I propose my love to thee?
            or shall I dedicate my life to her for admiring?
            should I spend my life, looking at her smiling?
            she smiles so beautiful, as the butterfly on a flower
            no Ideas, to forthput my love, cause I'm not a clever
            and still it is 'An Untold Love' of mine.            

Monday, 19 October 2015

A lonely sight of an old man

 A lonely sight of an old man

That old grey bearded man had once been in love.
As he whilst upon the moor of an old path with his beaten staff,
hunched and drenched.
The cool breeze that came from below the path was his sole comfort.
Heaved and puffed
nor a sight of agony can less be weighed to him.
He stood motionless for a while,
as the sun bids goodnight.
The dimmed patch of earth over the green willow seemed to fulfil his last escapade of the day.
Lost in thought as he walked closer to his abode.
A little jasmine shone in delight,

He remembers why!
Mystic lovers they were,
enchanted though perplexed,
following the rays of the old rainbow.
To walk hand in hand
Dear "do hold as we lay"
Alas! In time he learns how a man can only live alone.
Beauty to live and die.
Though to watch her leave,
sunken the pain only too deep.
Behind the little turnip
there the old man stood,
a hope to be with love.
Vinanto  Z

“Door of Hope”

“Door of Hope”

Moving down the stairs,
I statue myself without a reason.
Only realizing that I was block by a door.
Door’s decorated with birds and mountain scene.
Diamond made, was the door handle
Should I walk through; I wonder.
Taking it, a Door of Hope
I grab the handle, feels the warm and softness, though hard.

To walk through and leave a fresh print,
Making a new way to explore is my notion.
Fresh flowers bloom beneath my feet.
Perfect nature with birds chirping adds the melody.
Like sleeves rolled back into arms, I should go back, me thought.
Loneliness and isolation hunts me.
Blurry board which reads ‘Preserve Nature’ inspire me to go further.

Clear blue sky, sun rays dripping through the branches of trees.
All alone in the woods, I walked through feeling no fear.
Soon I confront an old friend of mine,
Liberates me from the world of loneliness.
What is your meaning of life? He asked.
Exploring and discovering one-self that I took recently was my sole answer.
And that has changed and made all the difference.

                                                              -RHI RHI

Saturday, 17 October 2015



Every An Individual Rundown In Life,
We Neither Make It Nor Built It.
Questions From All Four Corners Hunt Us.
We Fail To Reason,To Carry On With Life Is The Clue.

Life Is Simply A Game Of “Hide And Seek”.
Be Clever To Hide,Be Cunny To Take Short Route.
Live A Hidden Life. When you Proof Yourself.
You Are A Giver.So,People Will Treasure You.

Live Not By Your Past But Never Forget The Past.
For It Takes You A Step Ahead With A Shield Which protects You.
Never Regret Instead Dig Yourself.
I Was Right, I Was Wrong. (Your Answer)

                                                             -RHI RHI

Thursday, 15 October 2015

“Then and now: Naga youths at a glance”

                         “Then and now: Naga youths at a glance”

Living to learn, re-shaping and remodelling our ways of conduct, bears victory to our land. Rich culture, tradition, customs and folk tales are delivered from generation to generation. It fascinates and captivates us. Living in the shadow of narrow cultural milieu for so long is the slips, knowing not what the future holds. Mistakes are a part of life, which takes us a step further with a shield to defend in those chaotic phases of life. For once we are burn and beaten but never was defeated. Opening the gate of hope, clear blue sky with twinkling stars is the real picture of our Naga youths; I see the future of rising stars. So, never will there be sunset. Blemish culture, which we do procure from our ancestors, is the uniqueness and identity of who we are. Our docile nature is our then; our classiness and civility is our now.

Once our dream is now the pleasure of reality we do live in. Like in hilltops we live; we stand not under it. The very name “Naga Youths” now, is the torch of inspiration and means to vast opportunity. In the past our belly was empty but now we are pregnant with wisdom and knowledge obtain from all four corners. In every field, we lack not; be it, designing, architect, fashion, photography and literacy. All the reputed companies all over the country hunts for us; success is indeed heading our way. Our advancement towards life is visible with our own culture attach to it; which definitely is our identity. With the advancement of technology “Naga Youths” are truly transformed; I see the challenges we confront and the risk we take to struggle and indeed we have achieved; I now hear the roar of fulfilment from many among our “Naga Youths”.

Nagaland, widely known as the “Land Of Festivals”, one of the smallest states of India. Nevertheless, it is the heart of target where the youths have the most potential and are to bloom and uphold its culture and preserve the unity of our nation. At a glance, it is seen like a tiny diamond, but does sparkles and attracts the tourist from all over the world, which defines the very nature and competence of “Naga Youths”. In them, posses a classy nature that enhances when the rays of opportunity sprays upon them, adapt, develop, contribute, allocate and accordingly uplift the society. Naga Youths have the strength and will power, to protect and raise their voice against injustice, the ever-rising crime with regard to female harassment, which the law and its culture forbid. That is why, it is proclaim as one of the safest states for women in India.

“Naga youths at a glance” is the littlest, shuffled and scattered all over the country and to different parts of the world. Yet, posses’ strong magnetic webs of connectivity. Each day we grow healthier in our thoughts and in the ways we perceived things. Education is one of the best and most essential device to renovate and mend our dreams and yes, this exists in “Naga Youths” of today. We crawl from dirt of ignorance and now we stand at the top of pyramid in every field. What I do see “Naga Youths” five years from now is that every ordinary glitters that sickly shines on the ground, which is the symbol of “Naga Youths”, will one day be polish and will fail not but endeavour and be the light to guide our youngsters. “Naga Youths” will be the centre that bears the fruit of inspiration and motivates people to cultivate the very nature of civility. Learning that success does not come, “Naga Youths” begin to reason, explore, proof, and reached a new intense ending.
                                                                   -RHI RHI

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Mesmerizing Eyes

Mesmerizing Eyes

The beauty of a girl lies in her Eyes
Eyes which make men hypnotize
Eyes which bind the heart and locks the gaze
Eyes they let me see something, which I can’t
Eyes when I look into them, everything appears so clear
Eyes I’ve been staring at the for minutes and marveling at everything
Eyes they laid my nerves calm and to possess peace
Oh! God, How can I ever have the delight of watching her eyes..

My Love

My Love
Once, I was a wanderer in search of Love,
I found you as cute as Dove;
Whenever I see you, my heart trembles,
and suddenly my actions sembles;
when I see you smile, it worths my life,
when I gaze at you, I feel fruition of my life;
when I think of you, I smile like stupid,
when my eyes met with your eyes, struck cupid;
My Love, when I fell in love with you, I forgot to be me,
I fell like , I’m in an exclusive world of thee;
where there is only you and me,
there I forthput my Love to thee.

The days

The days
The days are passing by,
Aims are going high;
Money is fading away,
Education is swaying away,
Dreams are floating away;
life is nowhere of reckoning,
What to be done,
What not to be done;
Plans are of senseless,
Life is of meaningless;
Oh!! GOD show me thy way,
let my resentment sail away;
Mold me as a precious vessel,
let me sound as loud as whistle;
Present me with alate, 
to make thy presence elate;
Bless me with fruits,
let me attire in suits;
to preach the gospel of YOURS,
Bless me abundantly with fame,
Glory to thy name.

My last desire

My last desire
Before we broke apart, Baby just once
Baby sit beside me,
and hold my hand, just once;
Baby walk with me,
and let my arm around you, just once;
Baby allow me, to place my head in the lap of you,
and let me feel your fingers glide in my hair, just once;
Baby when you are tired,
and  let my shoulders for you, just once;
Baby when you are scared,
and let me feel the last tight hug, just once;
Baby when you are elated,
and let me feel the last kiss, just once;
Baby when you see my tomb,
and let my tomb feel the last tear of you, just once;

                                    Baby just once….