“Then and now: Naga youths at a glance”
Living to learn, re-shaping and remodelling our ways of
conduct, bears victory to our land. Rich culture, tradition, customs and folk
tales are delivered from generation to generation. It fascinates and captivates
us. Living in the shadow of narrow cultural milieu for so long is the slips,
knowing not what the future holds. Mistakes are a part of life, which takes us
a step further with a shield to defend in those chaotic phases of life. For
once we are burn and beaten but never was defeated. Opening the gate of hope, clear
blue sky with twinkling stars is the real picture of our Naga youths; I see the
future of rising stars. So, never will there be sunset. Blemish culture, which
we do procure from our ancestors, is the uniqueness and identity of who we are.
Our docile nature is our then; our classiness and civility is our now.
Once our dream is now the pleasure of reality we do live in.
Like in hilltops we live; we stand not under it. The very name “Naga Youths” now,
is the torch of inspiration and means to vast opportunity. In the past our
belly was empty but now we are pregnant with wisdom and knowledge obtain from
all four corners. In every field, we lack not; be it, designing, architect,
fashion, photography and literacy. All the reputed companies all over the
country hunts for us; success is indeed heading our way. Our advancement
towards life is visible with our own culture attach to it; which definitely is
our identity. With the advancement of technology “Naga Youths” are truly
transformed; I see the challenges we confront and the risk we take to struggle
and indeed we have achieved; I now hear the roar of fulfilment from many among
our “Naga Youths”.
Nagaland, widely known as the “Land Of Festivals”, one of
the smallest states of India. Nevertheless, it is the heart of target where the
youths have the most potential and are to bloom and uphold its culture and
preserve the unity of our nation. At a glance, it is seen like a tiny diamond, but
does sparkles and attracts the tourist from all over the world, which defines
the very nature and competence of “Naga Youths”. In them, posses a classy nature
that enhances when the rays of opportunity sprays upon them, adapt, develop,
contribute, allocate and accordingly uplift the society. Naga Youths have the
strength and will power, to protect and raise their voice against injustice,
the ever-rising crime with regard to female harassment, which the law and its culture
forbid. That is why, it is proclaim as one of the safest states for women in
“Naga youths at a glance” is the littlest, shuffled and scattered
all over the country and to different parts of the world. Yet, posses’ strong
magnetic webs of connectivity. Each day we grow healthier in our thoughts and
in the ways we perceived things. Education is one of the best and most
essential device to renovate and mend our dreams and yes, this exists in “Naga Youths”
of today. We crawl from dirt of ignorance and now we stand at the top of
pyramid in every field. What I do see “Naga Youths” five years from now is that
every ordinary glitters that sickly shines on the ground, which is the symbol
of “Naga Youths”, will one day be polish and will fail not but endeavour and be
the light to guide our youngsters. “Naga Youths” will be the centre that bears
the fruit of inspiration and motivates people to cultivate the very nature of
civility. Learning that success does not come, “Naga Youths” begin to reason,
explore, proof, and reached a new intense ending.
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